depression in men

Depression is a common and serious illness that can happen to anyone, but tends to be more prevalent among women. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports that approximately 7 percent of men in the US will experience depression during their lifetime. Men may find it difficult to admit they are experiencing depression because the idea of showing vulnerability or weakness is often seen as unmanly behavior. Depression also affects people differently depending on gender roles and expectations. For example, many women feel guilty about being depressed when they have children at home; however, this guilt does not exist for men who are fathers.

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American cultures have long considered men to be permanently stoic and emotionless. Research has revealed that this misconception is often forced upon men at childhood, leaving them with very few tools to deal with their emotions. Recent studies have also shown that depression in men is far more common than previously known, and that it affects men from all ethnic, financial, and educational backgrounds. Due to societal norms, men have been found to be far more adept at hiding their emotional state, making diagnosis much more challenging. In the following article we’ll be looking at some of the signs of depression in men, and what can be done about them.


men with stress

Stressful life events are a major cause for depression in both genders. However, research shows that women tend to experience stress as an isolated event while men tend to see stressful situations as part of a larger pattern or cycle. This difference may explain why men are less likely to seek help when they feel depressed. Men also seem to cope with stress differently than women do; instead of seeking support from friends and family, men often turn to alcohol and drugs.

Sleep Problems

Problems with sleep patterns may emerge when a man has depression. In most normal cases , the body produces melatonin at night which helps regulate sleep cycles. When someone is experiencing depression, however, this process can be disrupted causing insomnia. Insomnia is one of the symptoms associated with depression. It occurs in about 50% of people who have major depressive disorder. The cause for this disruption is not known but it could be due to changes in neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine that affect brain activity during sleep.

Stomach Ache or Backache

Sometimes depression can manifest itself in physical ways. One signal that the symptom is depression related, is that the symptom cannot be detected or treated in the usual ways. This is commonly true of depression based aches and pains . For example, a person may experience stomach pain which they believe is caused by stress. However, when examined there are no signs of any kind of illness. In fact, if the person were to take an X-ray of their abdomen, nothing would show up on the image.

Seek Professional Help

Speaking with a professional that has experience with depression can help you to find solutions. A doctor may suggest medications or therapy to help you to sort out, or get to the root of what is causing the depression. Medications can cause side effects that could give you a new set of issues, so it’s import to weigh these options carefully with your doctor.


It has been known for a long time that exercise can be a way to manage depression. Although it may be difficult, having a good workout can release endorphins that can chemically ease the feelings caused by depression.

In conclusion, it is important to know that depression can happen to anyone and that people should be more aware of their mental health. It is important to get screened for depression if you are feeling symptoms such as changes in appetite, sleep, feelings of guilt, difficult concentrating, agitation or an inability to experience pleasure.

It is important to know that depression can happen to anyone and that people should be more aware of their mental health.

By AllMen

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