simple workout plans for men

Are you a busy professional looking to get back in shape, but dread the thought of spending hours in the gym? Look no further! This article will reveal simple, yet effective workout plans that can help you achieve your fitness goals, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast.

Meet Mark, a 35-year-old software engineer who found himself in a fitness rut. After a sedentary desk job and years of indulging in takeout, Mark knew it was time to make a change. “I felt sluggish, out of shape, and unhappy with my appearance,” he admits. “But the thought of joining a gym and following a complicated workout routine was overwhelming.”

Mark’s story is all too common, but the good news is that getting fit doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right simple workout plans for men, you can achieve your fitness goals without the hassle. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover a variety of bodyweight exercises, home workouts, and beginner fitness routines that will help you build strength, boost your metabolism, and feel healthier than ever before.

At-Home Workout Routine for Men

If you’re a busy man looking to get fit without the hassle of a gym membership, an at-home workout routine may be the perfect solution. This routine requires a limited amount of equipment, making it accessible for beginners while still providing an effective full-body workout.

Equipment Required

The at-home workout routine for men requires a flat weight bench and a set of adjustable dumbbells. These versatile pieces of equipment allow you to target various muscle groups, from your legs and shoulders to your abs, chest, and back. Additionally, some exercises can be performed using just your bodyweight, further enhancing the accessibility of this routine.

Workout Schedule

The at-home workout routine for men is designed to be completed three times per week. Each session includes a variety of exercises performed in sets of 6-12 repetitions, with rest intervals of 60-90 seconds between sets. This structure ensures that you challenge your muscles while allowing for adequate recovery.

The workouts target different muscle groups on alternating days, such as legs and shoulders, chest and back, and arms and abs. This approach allows you to work your entire body over the course of the week, providing a well-rounded and efficient training program. The routine can be structured as a weeklong beginner plan or cycled to provide several sessions per week for more advanced trainees.

By incorporating this at-home workout routine into your lifestyle, you can achieve fitness goals and build strength without the need for a gym membership. The combination of targeted exercises and manageable equipment requirements makes it an excellent choice for busy men seeking a convenient and effective way to stay in shape.

Beginner’s Workout Routine for Men

Are you new to strength training and looking to build a solid foundation? The beginner’s workout routine for men is designed to help you get started on your fitness journey. This routine requires a fully equipped gym to perform exercises such as barbell back squats, flat barbell bench press, seated cable rows, and seated dumbbell shoulder press. The focus is on proper form and gradually increasing weight and volume over time.

Equipment Required

To perform the beginner’s workout routine for men, you’ll need access to the following equipment:

Equipment Description
Barbell For exercises like back squats and bench press
Dumbbell Pair For exercises like shoulder press and rows
Cable Machine For exercises like seated cable rows
Bench For exercises like bench press and dumbbell shoulder press

Workout Schedule

The beginner’s workout routine for men follows a 3-day per week full-body split, with each workout targeting all major muscle groups. The routine includes exercises like barbell back squats, flat barbell bench press, and barbell or trap bar deadlifts, performed in sets of 5-8 reps with rest periods of 90-180 seconds. This allows beginners to get used to new movements, focus on proper form, and take time to recover.

Intermediate Workout Routine for Men

As you progress in your fitness journey, the intermediate workout routine for men becomes an essential step towards achieving your goals. This routine is designed for individuals who have been training consistently for at least 1 year and are ready to increase the intensity and volume of their workouts to continue making gains.

Equipment Required

To perform the intermediate workout routine for men, you’ll need access to a fully equipped gym. The exercises in this routine require equipment such as a barbell, dumbbells, a lat pulldown machine, and a bench press station.

Workout Schedule

The intermediate workout routine for men follows a 4-day per week split, with each workout targeting specific muscle groups. This increased volume and intensity will help drive new muscle growth for the intermediate lifter.

Day Muscle Groups Targeted Exercises
Day 1 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Flat Barbell Bench Press, Overhead Press, Triceps Extensions
Day 2 Back, Biceps Bent-over Barbell Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Bicep Curls
Day 3 Legs Barbell Squats, Deadlifts, Calf Raises
Day 4 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, Military Press, Triceps Pushdowns

The intermediate workout routine includes exercises like flat barbell bench press, bent-over barbell rows, overhead press, and barbell, performed in sets of 6-10 reps with rest periods of 90-180 seconds. This increased volume and intensity will help drive new muscle growth for the intermediate lifter.

Intermediate Workout Routine

Simple Workout Plans for Men: The Advanced Routine

For the experienced weightlifter looking to take their fitness to the next level, the advanced workout routine for men is designed to push your limits and maximize muscle growth. This routine requires access to a fully equipped gym to perform the challenging exercises that target all the major muscle groups.

Equipment Required

To execute the advanced workout routine, you’ll need the following gym equipment:

Equipment Description
Barbell For exercises like the flat barbell bench press, overhead press, and barbell deadlifts
Weight Plates To load the barbell for the various strength-building exercises
Adjustable Bench For the flat barbell bench press and other isolation exercises
Pull-up Bar To perform the bent-over barbell rows and other back-focused exercises
Dumbells For accessory exercises and isolation movements

Workout Schedule

The advanced workout routine for men follows a 6-day per week split, with each session targeting specific muscle groups. This high-volume, high-intensity approach is designed for those who have been training consistently for at least 2 years and are ready to push their limits.

The routine includes exercises like the flat barbell bench press, bent-over barbell rows, overhead press, and barbell deadlifts, performed in sets of 6-10 reps with rest periods of 90-180 seconds. Supersets and higher volume are also incorporated to stimulate new muscle growth for the advanced lifter.

By following this advanced workout routine, you’ll be able to continue making significant gains in strength and muscle size, provided you’re also focusing on proper nutrition and recovery.

advanced workout routine

The One-Month Muscle-Building Plan for Skinny Guys

If you’re an ectomorph (a hard gainer) who struggles to put on muscle mass, this one-month muscle-building plan is designed specifically for you. The plan utilizes a variety of compound barbell exercises, such as squats, bench presses, and deadlifts, to stimulate muscle growth across multiple muscle groups. Over the course of four weeks, you’ll gradually progress from a full-body split to a four-day split, increasing the weight, volume, and intensity to drive significant muscle gains.

During the first two weeks, you’ll follow a full-body split, training all major muscle groups in each session. This approach allows you to hit each muscle group multiple times per week, which is essential for ectomorphs who have a hard time building muscle. In the second half of the plan, you’ll transition to a four-day split, allowing you to focus on specific muscle groups and further increase the training volume and intensity.

Throughout the plan, you’ll be performing compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, which is the key to building muscle as a hard gainer. By emphasizing exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, you’ll maximize the hormonal response and stimulate growth across your entire body.

Remember, as an ectomorph, your body is wired to maintain a lean, slender physique, so it’s crucial that you approach your training and nutrition with dedication and consistency. Stick to this one-month plan, and you’ll be well on your way to packing on the muscle mass you’ve been craving.

The 60-Day Muscle-Building Workout Plan for Skinny Men

If you’re a skinny guy looking to pack on some serious muscle, this 60-day muscle-building plan is designed just for you. The key is to follow a specific set of rules that will help you maximize your results and avoid common pitfalls. Let’s dive into the details.

The Rules

This 60-day muscle-building plan for skinny men includes a set of rules to follow for optimal results:

  1. Reduce cardio to focus on strength training – Cardio can burn valuable calories and interfere with muscle growth, so it’s important to minimize it during this 60-day plan.
  2. Eat more to maintain a caloric surplus – To build muscle, you need to consume more calories than you burn. This means increasing your daily caloric intake to support muscle growth.
  3. Increase intensity and gradually add weight to the compound exercises – Progressive overload is crucial for building muscle. Steadily increase the weight and intensity of your lifts over the 60 days.
  4. Incorporate the key compound movements (squats, bench press, deadlifts) and perform them frequently – These fundamental exercises target multiple muscle groups and are essential for building overall muscle mass.
  5. Avoid making any changes to the program – Stick to the plan and don’t make any adjustments during the 60-day period. Consistency is key.

Week 1 Workout

The 60-day muscle-building plan for skinny men starts with a Week 1 workout that includes:

  • Barbell back squats
  • Chin-ups
  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Dumbbell single-arm rows
  • Barbell straight-leg deadlifts
  • Cable core presses

All of these exercises are performed as supersets, with the goal of gradually increasing the volume and intensity over the 60-day period to drive significant muscle growth.

The plan also includes a finisher of dumbbell farmer’s walks, which is an excellent exercise for developing grip strength and overall muscle endurance.

Pro Tips for Building Muscle as a Hard Gainer

If you’re a hard gainer or ectomorph struggling to pack on muscle, don’t lose hope. With the right approach, you can absolutely build a strong, impressive physique. Here are some pro tips to help you overcome your muscle-building challenges:

Reduce excessive cardio to preserve your hard-earned muscle mass. Focus on strength training and limit lengthy cardio sessions, which can deplete your energy and hinder muscle growth.

Ensure you’re eating enough calories and protein to maintain a caloric surplus. Hardgainers often struggle to consume enough food, so aim for gradual increases in your daily intake to support muscle building.

Increase the intensity of your strength training by lifting heavier weights and pushing to. This stimulates muscle growth more effectively than lighter weights and higher reps.

Focus on compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, and pull-ups. These exercises trigger a more significant hormonal response to support overall muscle development.

Allow for adequate rest and recovery between workouts to give your muscles the time they need to repair and grow. Aim for at least 48 hours of rest between training the same muscle groups.

By implementing these pro tips, you’ll be well on your way to building the lean, muscular physique you’ve been after as a hard gainer. Stay consistent, track your progress, and don’t be afraid to adjust your approach as needed. With dedication and patience, you can achieve your muscle-building goals.


In conclusion, this article has provided a range of simple workout plans for men, catering to beginner, intermediate, and advanced fitness levels. The plans incorporate a variety of exercises, equipment, and training approaches to help men achieve their fitness goals, whether that’s building muscle, burning fat, or improving overall health and wellness. Additionally, the article has addressed the unique challenges faced by skinny guys or hard gainers, offering a comprehensive 60-day muscle-building plan and pro tips to help them overcome their obstacles and pack on size. By following these simple, effective workout plans and strategies, men can get fit fast and transform their bodies.

The workout routines outlined in this article are designed to be straightforward and easy to follow, making them accessible to men of all fitness levels. Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or looking to take your workouts to the next level, these plans provide the guidance and structure you need to achieve your goals. By incorporating the right exercises, equipment, and training schedule, you can build strength, boost your metabolism, and achieve the physique you’ve been working towards.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to any fitness program. Stick to the recommended workout schedules, fuel your body with a balanced diet, and allow for proper rest and recovery. With dedication and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to a fitter, more muscular you. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey to a healthier, stronger body today!


What equipment is needed for the at-home workout routine for men?

The at-home workout routine for men requires a limited amount of equipment, such as a flat weight bench and adjustable dumbbells. The routine includes exercises that can be performed with just bodyweight, making it accessible for beginners.

How often should the at-home workout routine for men be performed?

The at-home workout routine for men is structured as a weeklong beginner routine or can be cycled to provide several sessions per week for advanced trainees. The routine includes three workouts per week, with exercises performed in sets of 6-12 reps and rest intervals of 60-90 seconds.

What equipment is required for the beginner’s workout routine for men?

The beginner’s workout routine for men requires a fully equipped gym to perform exercises such as barbell back squats, flat barbell bench press, seated cable rows, and seated dumbbell shoulder press.

How often should the beginner’s workout routine for men be performed?

The beginner’s workout routine for men follows a 3-day per week full-body split, with each workout targeting all major muscle groups.

What equipment is needed for the intermediate workout routine for men?

The intermediate workout routine for men requires a fully equipped gym to perform exercises such as flat barbell bench press, bent-over barbell rows, overhead press, and barbell deadlifts.

How often should the intermediate workout routine for men be performed?

The intermediate workout routine for men follows a 4-day per week split, with each workout targeting specific muscle groups.

What equipment is required for the advanced workout routine for men?

The advanced workout routine for men requires a fully equipped gym to perform exercises such as flat barbell bench press, bent-over barbell rows, overhead press, barbell deadlifts, and various isolation exercises.

How often should the advanced workout routine for men be performed?

The advanced workout routine for men follows a 6-day per week split, with each workout targeting specific muscle groups.

What are the key rules to follow for the 60-day muscle-building plan for skinny men?

The key rules for the 60-day muscle-building plan for skinny men include: 1) Reduce cardio to focus on strength training, 2) Eat more to maintain a caloric surplus, 3) Increase intensity and gradually add weight to the compound exercises, 4) Incorporate the key compound movements (squats, bench press, deadlifts) and perform them frequently, and 5) Avoid making any changes to the program.

What is the Week 1 workout for the 60-day muscle-building plan for skinny men?

The Week 1 workout for the 60-day muscle-building plan for skinny men includes barbell back squats, chin-ups, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-arm rows, barbell straight-leg deadlifts, and cable core presses, all performed as supersets. The plan also includes a finisher of dumbbell farmer’s walks.

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