summer workout routines for men

As the sun begins to shine brighter and the temperatures rise, the summer season is the perfect time to take your workout routine outdoors. Whether you’re hitting the park, the beach, or your own backyard, embracing the warm weather can make your summer workout routines for men even more enjoyable and effective.

John, a fitness enthusiast from California, couldn’t wait to ditch the gym and take his workout regimen outside. “There’s just something about exercising in the fresh air that energizes me,” he explains. “I love being able to soak up the sun while getting in a killer outdoor exercises session.”

In this article, we’ll explore the best summer workout routines for men to help you build muscle, burn fat, and achieve your beach body workouts goals. From efficient strength training for men to high-intensity fat burning workouts, these routines will have you feeling and looking your best all season long.

Summer Body Plan Goals: Build Muscle and Stay Lean

The primary focus of this summer body plan is to build a strong muscle foundation for your entire body. You’ll be incorporating weight training routines that target all the major muscle groups, including your abs, which will be trained twice a week. The plan also includes cardio sessions to help you stay lean and burn calories effectively. Whether you have access to a gym or want to do this plan at home using bodyweight exercises, the structure and intensity will remain the same.

Weight Training for Muscle Growth

To build muscle and increase your strength training for men, the weight training portion of this plan will focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. You’ll be performing exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead press to stimulate maximum muscle growth. By challenging your muscles with heavier weights and lower rep ranges, you’ll be able to build a strong, lean physique.

Circuit Training: Supersets and Tri-Sets

To keep the workouts short and intense, this plan will incorporate circuit training techniques like supersets and tri-sets. Instead of resting between sets of the same exercise, you’ll be moving quickly between different exercises, targeting more muscles in a shorter period of time. This will help keep your heart rate elevated, leading to more calorie burn and an efficient full-body high-intensity workout.

Cardio for Effective Weight Loss

To support your weight loss goals, this summer body plan includes both HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) cardio sessions. The HIIT workouts will help you burn a significant number of calories in a short amount of time, while the LISS sessions will contribute to overall fat burning. Doing these cardio workouts separate from your weight training, or immediately after, will maximize the calorie-burning benefits.

Summer Workout Routine Structure

Crafting an effective summer workout routine requires a well-structured plan that targets specific muscle groups and incorporates a balance of strength training and cardio. This men’s summer workout plan is structured as a 5-day split, with each day focusing on distinct muscle groups to promote muscle building and maintain leanness.

5-Day Workout Split

The 5-day workout schedule is as follows:

Day Workout
Day 1 Legs and HIIT Cardio
Day 2 Chest, Triceps, and Abs
Day 3 LISS Cardio
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Back, Biceps, and HIIT Cardio
Day 6 Chest, Triceps, and Abs
Day 7 Rest

3-Day Workout Option

If your schedule is too tight to follow the 5-day routine, you can modify the plan to a 3-day workout split. The 3-day option would be:

Day Workout
Day 1 Legs and Cardio HIIT
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 Back, Biceps, and HIIT Cardio
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Chest, Triceps, and Abs
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Rest

Adjusting Workout Difficulty

This plan provides a well-structured workout schedule, but you can also make adjustments to suit your fitness level and personal preferences. Beginners who have never exercised before may want to start with the 3-day option. You can also increase or decrease the number of sets per workout, and focus on using the recommended reps and adjusting the weights accordingly to challenge yourself and see the best results.

summer workout routines for men

As the warm weather approaches, it’s time to start planning your summer workout routines. Whether your goal is to build muscle, shed fat, or simply maintain a beach-ready physique, this comprehensive guide has you covered. From efficient weight training to high-intensity cardio, these summer workout routines for men will help you achieve your fitness goals and look and feel your best when the sun is shining.

One of the keys to an effective summer workout plan is to focus on exercises that can be performed outdoors or with minimal equipment. This allows you to take advantage of the warmer weather and stay active even when you don’t have access to a gym. Bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups, squats, and lunges, are excellent options that can be done anywhere, while outdoor activities like running, cycling, and swimming provide an excellent cardiovascular workout.

In addition to embracing the great outdoors, incorporating circuit-style training into your summer workout routine can be highly beneficial. By combining strength-training exercises with brief bursts of cardio, you can maximize your time and effort, leading to efficient fat burning and muscle-building. This type of training not only helps you achieve your beach body goals but also keeps your workouts interesting and engaging.

This table showcases a sample summer workout routine for men, featuring a combination of strength-training and cardio exercises that can be easily performed outdoors or with minimal equipment. By including a variety of compound movements and high-intensity intervals, this routine is designed to help you build muscle, burn fat, and achieve your warm weather fitness goals.

Exercise Sets Reps
Burpees 3 15
Lunges 3 12 per leg
Mountain Climbers 3 20 seconds
Push-ups 3 15
Jumping Jacks 3 30 seconds

By incorporating these summer workout routines for men into your fitness regimen, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the toned, defined physique you desire. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, shed fat, or simply maintain your current level of fitness, these outdoor exercises and warm weather workouts will help you stay motivated and on track throughout the summer months.

Beach Body Basics

Achieving the coveted beach body look requires a well-rounded approach to fitness. Building a strong, defined core is essential, and that’s where the focus of this section will be. Chiseled abs are the foundation for an impressive summer physique, so you’ll discover the best exercises to target your midsection and sculpt a six-pack that will turn heads on the sand.

Chiseled Abs Exercises

Weighted ab exercises like hanging leg raises, ab wheel rollouts, and cable crunches are fantastic for developing core strength and muscle definition. Pair these with high-intensity ab circuits, such as burpees, mountain climbers, and plank variations, to really ignite your metabolism and burn fat. Consistency is key, so make sure to incorporate core work into your routine several times per week.

Arm Day Workouts

Sculpting a set of jacked arms is a key component of the beach body transformation. Master the fundamentals like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and overhead presses to build size and strength in your upper arms. Slow, controlled movements and maximizing time under tension will be your allies in developing that coveted “gun show.” Don’t forget to mix in some compound exercises like pull-ups and push-ups to work your arms in a functional way.

Chest Workouts for Definition

While flexing your biceps is undoubtedly eye-catching, having a well-developed, defined chest is essential for an impressive beach body. Incorporate compound exercises like bench press, pushups, and dumbbell flyes to stimulate muscle growth in your pectoral region. Focus on proper form and controlled movements to maximize the mind-muscle connection and sculpt a chiseled, eye-catching upper body.

By integrating these abs exercises, arm workouts, and chest-focused routines into your training plan, you’ll be well on your way to building the beach body of your dreams this summer.

beach body workouts

Lower Body Sculpting

Sculpting a strong, defined lower body is crucial for achieving the coveted beach body physique. From powerful quads to shapely glutes, developing your lower body muscles can help fill out your shorts and create a balanced, head-turning physique. In this section, we’ll cover the essential leg day exercises and glute-building routines to help you build the lower body of your dreams.

Leg Day Essentials

No summer workout routine is complete without a dedicated leg day. Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges should be the foundation of your leg workouts. These leg workouts target multiple muscle groups, including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, to build overall lower body strength and size.

Incorporate variations of these leg day staples, such as barbell back squats, dumbbell split squats, and Romanian deadlifts, to hit your quad exercises from multiple angles. Remember to also include isolation movements like leg extensions and hamstring curls to ensure balanced leg development.

Glute Building Exercises

A strong, sculpted backside is a hallmark of an impressive beach body. To build your glute exercises and glute-focused workouts, focus on movements that specifically target the gluteal muscles, such as hip thrusts, glute bridges, and donkey kicks.

These glute exercises will help you develop the muscle needed to fill out your shorts and give your lower body a summer-ready aesthetic. Pair these glute exercises with compound lifts like squats and deadlifts to maximize muscle building and create a well-balanced, powerful lower body.

leg workouts


This comprehensive guide has provided you with the best summer workout routines for men to help you build muscle, burn fat, and achieve your beach body goals. From targeted strength training and efficient cardio to specialized exercises for key muscle groups, you now have the tools and knowledge to make the most of the summer season and feel confident in your physique.

Remember, lasting results require consistency, hard work, and patience, but by following this plan, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the best version of yourself. Stay committed to your fitness journey, and you’ll be strutting confidently on the beach in no time, thanks to these proven summer workout routines for men focused on achieving your summer workout routines, beach body transformation, and overall fitness goals.

Take the first step towards your dream physique today and incorporate these effective workout strategies into your routine. With dedication and discipline, you’ll be rewarded with a toned, chiseled body that will turn heads all summer long.


What types of exercises are included in the best summer workout routines for men?

The summer workout routines for men include a combination of weight training, circuit training, HIIT cardio, and LISS cardio to build muscle, burn fat, and achieve a beach body.

How often should I train each muscle group in the summer workout plan?

The 5-day workout split includes targeting specific muscle groups on different days, with the option to modify to a 3-day routine if needed. Each major muscle group is trained 2-3 times per week.

Can I adjust the difficulty of the summer workout plan to suit my fitness level?

Yes, you can adjust the number of sets, reps, and weight used for each exercise to make the workouts more beginner-friendly or challenging, depending on your fitness level and experience.

What are some of the key exercises for building a strong, defined core for the beach body look?

The plan includes weighted ab exercises and high-intensity core-focused workouts to help sculpt chiseled abs and improve overall core strength and stability.

How can I effectively build muscle in my arms for the summer beach body?

The arm-focused workouts incorporate precision techniques and controlled rep schemes to target the biceps and triceps and help you build size, strength, and definition in your upper arms.

What are the essential chest exercises for developing a strong, defined upper body?

The chest workouts feature compound exercises like bench presses and pushups to help build muscle and sculpt a chiseled, eye-catching chest.

How can I train my lower body to fill out my shorts and complete the beach body look?

The leg day routines focus on compound exercises like squats and glute bridges to build strong, defined quads, hamstrings, and glutes for a complete, head-turning physique.

What are the best glute exercises to help lift and shape my backside for the beach?

The plan includes targeted glute-building exercises like hip thrusts and bridges to help you sculpt a firm, lifted posterior and fill out your shorts.

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By AllMen